IUPR Law Review
The School’s Law Review is published three times a year. It was founded in 1964, and at the beginning was exclusively managed by law professors. In 1971, the law review’s management was handed to an editorial board composed entirely of students, and supervised by a law professor. Law Review courses are geared to promoting critical analysis of different aspects of law through legal research, and to improve students’ writing skills. Each semester every editor has to carry out sound legal research on one of the current aspects of law. Out of all the articles submitted, the editorial board selects a limited number for publication.
Law Review I, II, III, and IV are two credit courses each, which form part of the School’s academic program. These courses are available for students who have a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average and have approved at least 26 credits. Law Review V is only available to the editorial board directors. The courses are tuition free.
The Law Review also holds conferences and invites speakers and public figures to discuss aspects of general interest to the School of Law community. These activities are usually good sources for gathering excellent publication materials. The Law Review office has ample physical facilities, several computers and a library. These resources recognize our commitment to research and scholarship.
Clave law review (Journal of Critical Approaches to Law) CLAVE (klá-ve), is a joint project of Latina/Latino Critical Studies (LatCrit, Inc.), a progressive movement of legal scholars, and the Inter American University School of Law. CLAVE explores the ways in which the state, laws and other forces and discourses subject nationalized genderized, racialized, and sexualized bodies. CLAVE also explores the many modes of resistance to state power, colonialism, imperialism, and diaspora. With an interdisciplinary approach to law, CLAVE accepts articles across many disciplines such as cultural studies, literary studies, political theory and science, sociology, philosophy, ethnic and racial studies and law.
General Students Regulations
Pro Bono
This Project aims to identify opportunities for legal work in favor of those facing problems of access to justice.
Prof. Marilucy González Báez
Associate Professor | Project Coordinator
787-751-1912, ext. 2071