Student Support Services
The School of Law is committed to providing students with services that support their academic goals in a comfortable environment. The School also takes into account the needs of our diverse student population, particularly the needs of those students who are employed, in a relationship and/or are parents. The School provides support to students through organizations such as the Student Council and considers students’ needs regarding financial aid, special needs accommodations, placement, library, organizations, and co-curricular activities.
Registrar Office
- Instructions on How to Register Courses on the Web
- Semester Class Schedule (January-May 2019)
- Academic Calendar (January-May 2020)
- Required and Recommended Textbooks
- BlackBoard Login
Please contact:
Financial Aid Program
Subject to the availability of funds, the School of Law at Inter American University of Puerto Rico has placed great emphasis in bringing the fullest financial aid assistance to our students with the intention of covering the following expenses: Tuition, Room, Board, Equipment, Books, Personal Expenses, Transportation and other fees.
Overall, financial aid is based on Federal Direct Loans. This aid is available to all students with need who meet the requirements and conditions imposed. Also, we have a limited portion of state and institutional funds for students with special economic needs and those who have an excellent academic performance. These requirements are subject to review each academic year.
Students must meet all of the following requirements and criteria to be eligible to receive federal, state and institutional financial aid:
- Be a United States Citizen, national, U.S. permanent resident or eligible non-citizen
- Be enrolled as a Half Time student. At less 6 credits or more
- Not be in default of any previous student loans
- Maintain a satisfactory academic progress of 2.00 or more
- Be registered with Selective Service (males).
- Complete all the steps required to apply for financial assistance.
For more information see our Brochure.
8 Steps to apply
1. Get an USERNAME AND PASSWORD (FSAID) at: The purpose of this is to sign documents electronically, such as: FAFSA (free application for federal student aid) and MPN (master promissory note); among others.
2. COMPLETE OR RENEW EVERY YEAR THE FAFSA at: The Federal Department of Education takes from 48 to72 hours to send us your information, which is necessary to make your Financial Aid Award Package and to continue the remaining steps.
3. Take the GUIDANCE FOR FEDERAL DIRECT LOANS at: on the tab of Financial Aid and Federal Direct Loan Orientation. This document is completed only by freshmen or first time requesting federal loan in the UIPR Law School.
5. ACCEPT THE TUITION CHARGES in the Bursar’s Office by the assigned dates. Otherwise, they could add surcharges or cancel your enrollment. It is recommended to check the Administrative Academic Calendar at: and stay informed about the enrollment payment dates (charge acceptance), loans accreditation and refund checks or direct deposits; among others.
6. COMPLETE THE FEDERAL ENTRANCE COUNSELING at: This document is completed only by freshmen or first time requesting federal loan in the UIPR Law School. from the month of July for admitted in August.
7. COMPLETE THE MASTER PROMISSORY NOTES (MPN) at: This document is completed only by freshmen, first time requesting federal loan in the UIPR Law School or when a previous Grad Plus Loan was denied by credit history. If accepted both loans, need an MPN for each kind of loan or the one is belong to the accepted loan.
8. COMPLETE THE CONTACT FORM at: on the tab of Financial Aid and Federal Direct Loan Orientation. This document is completed only by freshmen or first time requesting federal loan in the UIPR Law School.
Note: Please bring to the Financial Aid Office or send by email to or the information completed in steps 3 and 8, along with evidence of mailing address; although it is not necessary to be at your name. If you need more information on the steps to how request financial aid, please visit under Future Students tab.
Are you ready? Start here: For more information contact Mr. Ricardo Crespo,
Authorization Form to use remaining balance of Financial Aid
Bursar’s Office Tuition
Tuition and fees (for academic year 2018-19) | |
Admission Application (once) Admission Fee (once admitted) Preparatory Course (once) Credit hour Other fees (per semester) Simulated Bar Exam (once) Bar Preparation – Law |
$63.00 $125.00 $485.00 $485.00 $460.00 $20.00 $595.00 |
For more information contact Mrs. Ileana Piñero González,
Center for Access to Information (CAI)
The main goal of the Center for Access to Information (CAI) of the IAUSL is to support the research and curricular needs of its faculty and students, by providing all the information needed in the different formats available. It also makes possible to the academic community to familiarize itself and master the new modern and constant emerging technologies that change research techniques. The CAI acquires, organizes, storages and maintains information so as to make it readily available and easily retrievable for the academic community of IAUSL.
The CAI is at the forefront in Puerto Rico regarding the availability of online and data based legal information for its users. It is one of the most important legal libraries in Puerto Rico.
Physical Facilities: The CAI has 30,000 square feet in two floors, a shelving capacity of 25,160 linear feet of which 18,615 are being used and 6,545 are available for collection growth. The growth in space has been made possible with the weeding and reduction of multiple copies. The seating capacity is 292. This includes ten small discussion rooms with a capacity of six persons per room for a total of sixty users. There are forty-six individual study carrels and seventy-six seats in tables. Wireless connection is available in all IAUSL buildings. Students and faculty are able to use and retrieve all online services outside of the CAI. As a result of this, less seating capacity is needed.
CAI Opening hours: The CAI opens 95 hours a week every semester and during the summer session: that is Mondays through Thursdays from 8 am to 11pm, Fridays from 8am to 10 pm, Saturdays from 8 am to 9 pm and Sundays from 11am to 8 pm. In between semesters a shorter schedule is posted. Normally it opens from 8 am to 8 pm. It closes during the academic and administrative recesses for Christmas and Holy Week.
CAI collection: The collection holds 206,108 volumes (this includes approximately a 72,000 volume equivalent in microforms) and subscribes to 11 online services. They are: Westlaw, Lexis, CALI, Hein Online, Legal Track, OCLC, EBRARY, Microjuris, Publicaciones JTS, and Lexjuris (the last three are in Spanish and geared towards Puerto Rican legislation and judicial matters).
Information and Telecommunication Center
This unit is responsible for maintaining a computer laboratory with computers and printers for students. It also developed and maintains an electronic classroom with computers. The classroom is used primarily for the instruction of legal research courses. All these computers are networked and have access to the Internet, MicroSoft Office and Explorer. They can be used to access online systems such as Westlaw, Lexis and Microjuris. The technology and equipment provide ways to access information that is not available on paper. It also allows the student to perform research through online methods.
In the computer lab students can also work on their papers using word-processing and software programs. The electronic classroom is useful for legal research classes because it allows the student to practice while instruction regarding online services is offered and to complete exercises given during class.