Inter Derecho

Graduation rate: Defined as percent of students earning the degree in 200% or less of the curricular granted time.

Original Cohort
First Year
Percent of Graduation
3 years or less4 years5 years or more
2010 N=246Total of graduates1128414
% of graduates45.5334.156.39
% Accumulative45.5379.6786.07
2011 N=244Total of graduates829621
% of graduates33.6139.349.77
% Accumulative33.6172.9582.72
2012 N=128Total of graduates404012
% of graduates31.2531.2510.91
% Accumulative31.2562.5073.41
2013 N=209Total of graduates637015
% of graduates30.1433.498.47
% Accumulative30.1463.6472.11
2014 N=201Total of graduates6278 
% of graduates30.8538.81
% Accumulative30.8569.65
2015 N=168Total of graduates48 
% of graduates28.57
% Accumulative28.57